our environmental impact

Our aim is to combat climate change by reducing carbon emissions through the power of reforestation. We believe that planting trees is a critical step in creating a more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

More than planting trees

We are dedicated to creating a more sustainable future. Our contributions impact the planting of mangrove trees in Madagascar.

These reforestation efforts will not only revive natural habitats but also improve coral reef health, support local livelihoods, and aid in the fight against climate change by extracting CO2 from the air.

Did you know?

A single tree can absorb about 300kg of carbon dioxide over its lifetime. Planting trees and supporting reforestation efforts can help offset carbon emissions.

Why mangroves?

Mangroves are powerful climate allies, absorbing massive carbon, protecting coastlines from erosion, and restoring ecosystems, making them vital in the fight against climate change.

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How it works?

At the end of every month, for each tee we produce we donate a portion of our profits to our partner organisation, Eden+. They are doing great job of land restoration and reforestation

Eden+ on Instagram

State of climate change

Climate change is accelerating, with rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and shrinking ecosystems, urging immediate global action to protect our future.

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How to fix it

It's not all doom and gloom like what news tells us. We are in great shape to tackle this challenge with sustainable mindful choices

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